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  • Maya

    Japanese TAFE student Maya

    Australia offers brilliant education in the area of remedial massage which Japan does not have. Remedial massage is not common in my country so we can't study this course full time. If I can bring back my expertise to Japan it could be a huge business opportunity for me.

    Country: Japan

  • ICT30120 Certificate III in Information Technology

    Start your career in the fast growing information technology (IT) industry with this qualification. On completion of this course you will be competent in a range of general IT skills including support services, networking, programming and critical and creative thinking skills.


  • Rui

    Student Rui in garden at TAFE campus

    I’ve learned much more about the Australian culture and nature and this is what I was looking for, to work in sustainable landscaping.

    I chose a new career to come here and start again. Western Australia has the most amazing plants in the world. This made it much easier to study here.

    Country: Brazil

  • Satyam

    Student Satyam at TAFE campus

    At the start of my studies, I had no idea what TAFE was all about. Today I can proudly say, that one of the best decisions I have ever made is to study here. The “learn through practice” approach is a plus for students. We get a real concept of how the industry works. My course provides me with all the essential skills the workforce requires.

    Country: Mauritius

  • Ivan

    Student Ivan in garden at TAFE campus

    I study horticulture at TAFE and there is good infrastructure here. We have a nice greenhouse and retail section. You see a lot of plants and that obviously helps because seeing a plant in real life is not the same as studying about it in a book. There's a lot of practical activities and the lecturers are very passionate as they've been in the industry for many years.

    Country: Italy

  • MAR50320 Diploma of Maritime Operations [Master less than 500 GT]

    Get qualified for a maritime career working as a master or chief mate on vessels less than 500 gross tonnage. During this course you will experience fighting fires in simulated environments, practicing in-water survival skills and rescuing others in distress. You will also learn how to tie seaman’s knots and hitches to ships in rough waters.


  • MAR50120 Diploma of Marine Engineering [Engineer Class 3 Near Coastal]

    This maritime qualification prepares you for a career as a chief engineer. During your studies you will develop skills in fire prevention and firefighting, on board leadership and teamwork, vessel security procedures, personal safety and social responsibility, and survival craft and rescue boat operation.
