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  • ICT40120 Certificate IV in Information Technology

    Commence an exciting career in the information and communications technology (ICT) industry with this qualification. On completion of this course you will be competent in a wide range of ICT roles and apply a broad range of skills in varied work contexts, using problem solving skills and effective communication with others.


  • Dushika

    Macedonian TAFE student Dushika at WA Training Awards ceremony

    I came to Australia a couple of times as a visitor and when I went back to Macedonia I realised Australia has a totally different healthcare system so I decided to challenge myself to study and practice nursing in Australia.

    Country: North Macedonia

  • Jacobus

    South African student, Jacobus

    Before coming to Australia, I completed an advanced diploma in digital animation, and wanted to further my studies to get into the digital market workforce with ease. I didn’t want to go to university, but rather study in a more practical environment, being assessed on real workplace skills needed in the industry. Imagine my luck when I found TAFE.

    Country: South Africa

  • Yuwa

    TIWA student Yuwa

    I can say that the college, course and the country are very nice for an international student.

    Country: Bhutan

  • Adhi

    Student Adhi from CR TAFE's Geraldton campus.

    The lecturers are so good, all of them have years of experience in the industry.

    Country: Indonesia