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Employability pathways

In Western Australia (WA), there are many different pathways you can follow to reach your career goals.

If you don’t meet the requirements for your university course, we have other pathways to help you get there.

If you prefer to study a more practical course and then start your chosen career, a TAFE course is the perfect choice for you. You’ll be taught through a mix of classroom, demonstrations and hands on training. A TAFE course is a great pathway to employability.  

You will start your new career job ready. You’ll have the confidence and in-demand skills that employers look for. 

Taught by industry professionals

All TAFE lecturers have experience in your chosen industry. This means they have the practical knowledge to help you succeed. 

Latest tools, technology and skills

You’ll learn on the same equipment used by industry. TAFE reinvests in equipment and materials to match industry standards. You’ll develop skills directly transferrable to employment. 

Real life work experience

Many TAFE courses have supervised work placement in actual businesses. You will put your skills into practice, in real life situations. 

Regularly reviewed units of study

TAFE courses are nationally accredited and regularly reviewed by experts. This means your qualification always meets industry needs and develops skills important to your future career. 

Pathways to university

Student in graduation robe, surrounded by family

On completion of TAFE and university, you will have two qualifications that attract employers and give you a competitive edge in the global job market. 

Careers of the future

Student holding virtual reality equipment

Industries grow and adapt. Choosing the right course now means you’re qualified in an industry that will remain in demand over time. 

Global skills in demand

Student stands in front of oil and gas training facility at ACEPT Munster campus

We make sure students of today are successful employees of tomorrow.  

Work placements and industry partners

Student working in early childhood environment

Grow your skills and confidence. Put your learning into practice with our industry partners.

Work while you study

Student at training in restaurant

Know your work rights. Western Australia provides many job opportunities for international students.

Become job ready

Student sitting in outdoor garden area, wearing business attire

Access career support services and job opportunities in WA.

Kenyan TAFE student Alfred

I came to Perth through a study package from TAFE to ECU. Studying at TAFE was great. The lecturers are knowledgeable and the study mode itself is holistic. This prepared me well and by the time I started my practical training I felt confident. When I enrolled into university I was ready. The best part was that I had to do just two years of university study as I received one year of advanced standing from my TAFE studies.

Jinjoo Park sites on a light pink long seat. She is positioned in the centre of the image. She's wearing a black polo shirt with "South Metropolitan TAFE" written on the right of the shirt. She's smiling and looking into the camera. She has brown hair that's pulled back. She has brown eyes.
Jinjoo Park
South Korea

Having studied remedial massage at SM TAFE, I'm now a proud lecturer. Read my story

Nachi is situated to the right of the image, she's laughing and looking towards the camera. In her right hand is a latte coffee. She's sitting on a brown leather seat with another brown leather seat on her right that's empty. There's a bench in the background with a record player sitting on top. There's a vase with flowers. She wears a black leather jacket and t-shirt. Nachi's hair is down and pulled to the front.

I was drawn to Australia because of the country’s beautiful weather, stunning natural environment, and friendly and welcoming people. Read my story

Student Sachiho is in the middle of the picture. She smiles towards the camera. She stands in the foyer of North Metropolitan campus. There's an office behind her with clear window walls. There's tables and chairs situated in the foyer. Sachiho is wearing a grey jacket and a floral top.
East Perth

TAFE course units have provided me a chance to acquire the practical skills I will need in the engineering field. The content I have been learning has been challenging, but my lecturers are all very supportive, caring, and willing to share their knowledge as much as they can.

Last updated on March 15, 2024