Why choose this course?
Start the journey to an exciting career in commercial cookery. Gain the practical skills and knowledge to be able to plan, organise, prepare and cook food in a range of commercial workspaces including restaurants, hotels, clubs, pubs, cafes, events and functions, residential facilities and lunch bars. Learn skills in food safety, working with others, using equipment, menu planning, and the preparation of dishes such as appetisers, poultry, seafood, meat dishes, desserts and cakes.
In addition, you will learn all aspects of organising, preparing and cooking a variety of food items across different service periods and menu types, using a range of cooking methods and team coordination skills. During your studies you will practice your cooking skills in the training kitchens and restaurant located on campus. These facilities offer valuable hands-on learning experiences through menu planning, teamwork and meal preparation conducted in a professional manner.
Upon completing this course, you will acquire skills that readily transfer to employment opportunities in tourism and hospitality businesses and kitchen settings.
Career opportunities
- Commercial Cook (non-trade status)
An IELTS score (academic) of 6.0 with no band score less than 5.0 or equivalent.
Completion of the equivalent of Australian Year 10.
Your study options
Semester 2, 2025
- Tuition fee: $16,458
- Resources fee: $2,896
- Materials fee: $650
Tuition fees are reviewed annually. If tuition fees are increased, you will be required to pay the new fees as they are introduced. You will be provided with an indicative schedule of fees in your Letter of Offer.
Resource fees are for consumables you use in your course e.g. paint, internet etc. You pay this fee to your college at enrolment. If your course goes longer than one semester, the resource fee may not need to be paid in one amount but may be spaced out over the duration of your course. Your college will advise you of the payment amount each semester.
Material fees are for items that remain your property after the course has been completed e.g. personal protective equipment, tools, text books etc.
There is no work placement requirement for this course, however this course is delivered face to face in a fully equipped commercial kitchen that supports the on-campus restaurant that is open to the paying public.
2 semesters
To achieve this qualification, students must demonstrate competency in 25 units of competency. These 25 units are comprised of 20 core units and 5 elective units as listed below. Elective units listed below have been selected in consultation with industry.
Students who enrol into this qualification will be eligible for credit transfer of the units that they have already achieved. Fees paid by international students are set on a commercial basis and are paid as a whole of course fee - no refund will apply to credit transfers. Please refer to your letter of Offer for detailed duration and costings for your enrolment.
- SITHCCC023 Use food preparation equipment
- SITHCCC027 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery
- SITHCCC028 Prepare appetisers and salads
- SITHCCC029 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups
- SITHCCC030 Prepare vegetable, fruit, eggs and farinaceous dishes
- SITHCCC031 Prepare vegetarian and vegan dishes
- SITHCCC035 Prepare poultry dishes
- SITHCCC036 Prepare meat dishes
- SITHCCC037 Prepare seafood dishes
- SITHCCC041 Produce cakes, pastries and breads
- SITHCCC042 Prepare food to meet special dietary requirements
- SITHCCC043 Work effectively as a cook
- SITHKOP009 Clean kitchen premises and equipment
- SITHKOP010 Plan and cost recipes
- SITHPAT016 Produce desserts
- SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety
- SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices
- SITXHRM007 Coach others in job skills
- SITXINV006 Receive, store and maintain stock
- SITXWHS005 Participate in safe work practices
- HLTAID011 Provide First Aid
- SITHCCC025 Prepare and present sandwiches
- SITHCCC044 Prepare specialised food items
- SITHPAT014 Produce yeast-based bakery products
- SITXCOM007 Show social and cultural sensitivity
The methods of assessment used in this course include:
Written questioning assessments and Structured Assessment – assignment style, to show the student’s knowledge, these are online and on campus. Direct Observation - practical demonstration of skills in the small-scale kitchen, commercial kitchen reflecting current industry practises on campus.Live Works – the simulated work environment will be achieved – on campus in commercial kitchens & training restaurant on campus.These assessment strategies and evidence gathering are in accordance with the relevant training package or accreditation guidelines. Detailed Information is available in the assessment matrix, learning plans and assessment tools for each of the units of competency. Assessors use this matrix to ensure assessments, are undertaken across the duration of the course, rather than clustered together at particular times.
The following learning resources, facilities and equipment are available at each campus so that you can achieve the skill and knowledge requirements of this course.
Learning resources may include access to support materials/learning resources, assessment tools, online resources, lecturer developed PowerPoints and handouts, and access to Blackboard Learning Management System (LMS), fully equipped classrooms and commercial kitchens.
Facilities and equipment include a fully equipped commercial kitchen with individual benches, 3 small scale kitchens, a pastry kitchen, a large-scale kitchen within the on-campus restaurant and bistro open daily, food processors and blenders, commercial refrigeration facilities and cool rooms, pots and pans, food preparation equipment, cleaning equipment, stock control procedures and documentation, food safety programs, policies and procedures and safety data sheets.
Semester and holiday dates are included in your Letter of Offer. View upcoming semester start and end dates.
Semester 2, 2025
- Tuition fee: $16,458
- Resources fee: $2,780
- Materials fee: $1,050
Tuition fees are reviewed annually. If tuition fees are increased, you will be required to pay the new fees as they are introduced. You will be provided with an indicative schedule of fees in your Letter of Offer.
Resource fees are for consumables you use in your course e.g. paint, internet etc. You pay this fee to your college at enrolment. If your course goes longer than one semester, the resource fee may not need to be paid in one amount but may be spaced out over the duration of your course. Your college will advise you of the payment amount each semester.
Material fees are for items that remain your property after the course has been completed e.g. personal protective equipment, tools, text books etc.
There is no work placement requirement for this course, however students will undertake services in the live works commercial kitchens that prepares breakfasts, lunches or dinners in the on-campus restaurant that is open to the paying public.
2 semesters
To achieve this qualification, students must demonstrate competency in 25 units of competency. These 25 units are comprised of 20 core units and 5 elective units as listed below. Elective units listed below have been selected in consultation with industry.
Students who enrol into this qualification will be eligible for credit transfer of the units that they have already achieved. Fees paid by international students are set on a commercial basis and are paid as a whole of course fee - no refund will apply to credit transfers. Please refer to your letter of Offer for detailed duration and costings for your enrolment.
- SITHCCC023 Use food preparation equipment
- SITHCCC027 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery
- SITHCCC028 Prepare appetisers and salads
- SITHCCC029 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups
- SITHCCC030 Prepare vegetable, fruit, eggs and farinaceous dishes
- SITHCCC031 Prepare vegetarian and vegan dishes
- SITHCCC035 Prepare poultry dishes
- SITHCCC036 Prepare meat dishes
- SITHCCC037 Prepare seafood dishes
- SITHCCC041 Produce cakes, pastries and breads
- SITHCCC042 Prepare food to meet special dietary requirements
- SITHCCC043 Work effectively as a cook
- SITHKOP009 Clean kitchen premises and equipment
- SITHKOP010 Plan and cost recipes
- SITHPAT016 Produce desserts
- SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety
- SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices
- SITXHRM007 Coach others in job skills
- SITXINV006 Receive, store and maintain stock
- SITXWHS005 Participate in safe work practices
- BSBSUS211 Participate in sustainable work practices
- HLTAID011 Provide First Aid
- SITHCCC039 Produce pates and terrines
- SITHCCC044 Prepare specialised food items
- SITHPAT014 Produce yeast-based bakery products
The methods of assessment used in this course include direct observation, knowledge-based questions and projects. The assessments are conducted on-campus in a simulated kitchen and all materials, produce, food supplies and ‘special’ equipment will be provided as per the assessment requirements for each unit.
These assessment strategies and evidence gathering are in accordance with the relevant training package or accreditation guidelines. Detailed Information is available in the assessment matrix, learning plans and assessment tools for each of the units of competency. Assessors use this matrix to ensure assessments, are undertaken across the duration of the course, rather than clustered together at particular times.
The following learning resources, facilities and equipment are available at each campus so that you can achieve the skill and knowledge requirements of this course.
Learning resources include access to Futura online learning and Didasko learning materials, handouts, and PowerPoints.
Facilities and equipment include classrooms with printers and internet, a commercial kitchen, operational training restaurant, recipes and ingredients, large cooking equipment, crockery and glassware, food processors and blenders, commercial refrigeration facilities and cool rooms, pots and pans, food preparation equipment, commercial ovens and trays, pastry equipment, planetary mixers and personal protective clothing.
Semester and holiday dates are included in your Letter of Offer. View upcoming semester start and end dates.
Semester 2, 2025
- Tuition fee: $16,458
- Resources fee: $3,000
- Materials fee: $500
Tuition fees are reviewed annually. If tuition fees are increased, you will be required to pay the new fees as they are introduced. You will be provided with an indicative schedule of fees in your Letter of Offer.
Resource fees are for consumables you use in your course e.g. paint, internet etc. You pay this fee to your college at enrolment. If your course goes longer than one semester, the resource fee may not need to be paid in one amount but may be spaced out over the duration of your course. Your college will advise you of the payment amount each semester.
Material fees are for items that remain your property after the course has been completed e.g. personal protective equipment, tools, text books etc.
There is no work placement requirement for this course, however students will be spending the majority of their time practicing their skills in a fully functional commercial kitchen that supports the on-campus restaurant that is open to the paying public.
2 semesters
To achieve this qualification, students must demonstrate competency in 25 units of competency. These 25 units are comprised of 20 core units and 5 elective units as listed below. Elective units listed below have been selected in consultation with industry.
Students who enrol into this qualification will be eligible for credit transfer of the units that they have already achieved. Fees paid by international students are set on a commercial basis and are paid as a whole of course fee - no refund will apply to credit transfers. Please refer to your letter of Offer for detailed duration and costings for your enrolment.
- SITHCCC023 Use food preparation equipment
- SITHCCC027 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery
- SITHCCC028 Prepare appetisers and salads
- SITHCCC029 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups
- SITHCCC030 Prepare vegetable, fruit, eggs and farinaceous dishes
- SITHCCC031 Prepare vegetarian and vegan dishes
- SITHCCC035 Prepare poultry dishes
- SITHCCC036 Prepare meat dishes
- SITHCCC037 Prepare seafood dishes
- SITHCCC041 Produce cakes, pastries and breads
- SITHCCC042 Prepare food to meet special dietary requirements
- SITHCCC043 Work effectively as a cook
- SITHKOP009 Clean kitchen premises and equipment
- SITHKOP010 Plan and cost recipes
- SITHPAT016 Produce desserts
- SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety
- SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices
- SITXHRM007 Coach others in job skills
- SITXINV006 Receive, store and maintain stock
- SITXWHS005 Participate in safe work practices
- BSBSUS211 Participate in sustainable work practices
- SITHCCC026 Package prepared foodstuffs
- SITHCCC032 Produce cook-chill and cook-freeze foods
- SITHCCC038 Produce and serve food for buffets
- SITHPAT014 Produce yeast-based bakery products
The methods of assessment used in this course are conducted on-campus through an Observation Checklist (OCL) whereby the student ‘must’ be observed in a simulated kitchen and provide the assessment outcomes to the Lecturer whereby they will also be observing the student and providing a Satisfied or Not-Yet-Satisfied outcome through Blackboard. This can also be undertaken in the on-campus restaurant called The Pavilion which provides the students an opportunity to cook and share their work in a simulated working environment to the public and receive guest feedback. The Observation Checklist is the best method for demonstrating a student has the skills, knowledge, and practical know-how of producing a plate of food based on the assessment requirements in front of the assessing Lecturer. The assessment will be conducted in a simulated kitchen on campus and all kitchen material, produce, food supplies and any other ‘special’ equipment will be provided as per the assessment requirements for each unit.
These assessment strategies and evidence gathering are in accordance with the relevant training package or accreditation guidelines. Detailed Information is available in the assessment matrix, learning plans and assessment tools for each of the units of competency. Assessors use this matrix to ensure assessments, are undertaken across the duration of the course, rather than clustered together at particular times.
The following learning resources, facilities and equipment are available at each campus so that you can achieve the skill and knowledge requirements of this course.
Learning resources may include access to learning and assessment plan for the semester, workbook which includes all recipes, journals and checklists, videos and other streaming compilations, PowerPoints from lecturers’ presentations, handouts prepared by lecturers, resources uploaded on Blackboard (e.g., documents, videos, YouTube) and all food materials and cooking resources provided during practical sessions.
Facilities and equipment may include access to computer classrooms with printers and internet and a fully equipped commercial kitchen with resources such as commercial grade work benches, fixtures and large equipment, double sinks, food processors and blenders, commercial refrigeration facilities and cool rooms, commercial dishwashers, pots and pans, food preparation equipment, commercial ovens and trays, commercial cleaning equipment and chemicals, equipment instructions, menus, recipes and food safety plans.
Semester and holiday dates are included in your Letter of Offer. View upcoming semester start and end dates.
Semester 2, 2025
- Tuition fee: $16,458
- Resources fee: $2,280
- Materials fee: $1,050
Tuition fees are reviewed annually. If tuition fees are increased, you will be required to pay the new fees as they are introduced. You will be provided with an indicative schedule of fees in your Letter of Offer.
Resource fees are for consumables you use in your course e.g. paint, internet etc. You pay this fee to your college at enrolment. If your course goes longer than one semester, the resource fee may not need to be paid in one amount but may be spaced out over the duration of your course. Your college will advise you of the payment amount each semester.
Material fees are for items that remain your property after the course has been completed e.g. personal protective equipment, tools, text books etc.
There is no work placement requirement for this course, however students will undertake services in the live works commercial kitchen located on campus.
2 semesters
To achieve this qualification, students must demonstrate competency in 25 units of competency. These 25 units are comprised of 20 core units and 5 elective units as listed below. Elective units listed below have been selected in consultation with industry.
Students who enrol into this qualification will be eligible for credit transfer of the units that they have already achieved. Fees paid by international students are set on a commercial basis and are paid as a whole of course fee - no refund will apply to credit transfers. Please refer to your letter of Offer for detailed duration and costings for your enrolment.
- SITHCCC023 Use food preparation equipment
- SITHCCC027 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery
- SITHCCC028 Prepare appetisers and salads
- SITHCCC029 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups
- SITHCCC030 Prepare vegetable, fruit, eggs and farinaceous dishes
- SITHCCC031 Prepare vegetarian and vegan dishes
- SITHCCC035 Prepare poultry dishes
- SITHCCC036 Prepare meat dishes
- SITHCCC037 Prepare seafood dishes
- SITHCCC041 Produce cakes, pastries and breads
- SITHCCC042 Prepare food to meet special dietary requirements
- SITHCCC043 Work effectively as a cook
- SITHKOP009 Clean kitchen premises and equipment
- SITHKOP010 Plan and cost recipes
- SITHPAT016 Produce desserts
- SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety
- SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices
- SITXHRM007 Coach others in job skills
- SITXINV006 Receive, store and maintain stock
- SITXWHS005 Participate in safe work practices
- SITHCCC025 Prepare and present sandwiches
- SITHCCC026 Package prepared foodstuffs
- SITHCCC040 Prepare and serve cheese
- SITHCCC044 Prepare specialised food items
- SITHPAT014 Produce yeast-based bakery products
The methods of assessment used in this course include direct observation, knowledge-based questions and projects. The assessments are conducted on-campus in a simulated kitchen and all materials, produce, food supplies and ‘special’ equipment will be provided as per the assessment requirements for each unit.
These assessment strategies and evidence gathering are in accordance with the relevant training package or accreditation guidelines. Detailed Information is available in the assessment matrix, learning plans and assessment tools for each of the units of competency. Assessors use this matrix to ensure assessments, are undertaken across the duration of the course, rather than clustered together at particular times.
The following learning resources, facilities and equipment are available at each campus so that you can achieve the skill and knowledge requirements of this course.
Learning resources include access to learning resources on learning platform, handouts and PowerPoints.
Facilities and equipment include classrooms with printers and internet, commercial kitchen, operational commercial kitchen, recipes and ingredients, large cooking equipment, crockery and glassware, food processors and blenders, commercial refrigeration facilities and cool rooms, pots and pans, food preparation equipment, commercial ovens and trays, pastry equipment, planetary mixers and personal protective clothing.
Semester and holiday dates are included in your Letter of Offer. View upcoming semester start and end dates.
Semester 2, 2025
- Tuition fee: $16,458
- Resources fee: $2,896
- Materials fee: $650
Tuition fees are reviewed annually. If tuition fees are increased, you will be required to pay the new fees as they are introduced. You will be provided with an indicative schedule of fees in your Letter of Offer.
Resource fees are for consumables you use in your course e.g. paint, internet etc. You pay this fee to your college at enrolment. If your course goes longer than one semester, the resource fee may not need to be paid in one amount but may be spaced out over the duration of your course. Your college will advise you of the payment amount each semester.
Material fees are for items that remain your property after the course has been completed e.g. personal protective equipment, tools, text books etc.
There is no work placement requirement for this course, however this course is delivered face to face in a fully equipped commercial kitchen that supports the on-campus restaurant that is open to the paying public.
2 semesters
To achieve this qualification, students must demonstrate competency in 25 units of competency. These 25 units are comprised of 20 core units and 5 elective units as listed below. Elective units listed below have been selected in consultation with industry.
Students who enrol into this qualification will be eligible for credit transfer of the units that they have already achieved. Fees paid by international students are set on a commercial basis and are paid as a whole of course fee - no refund will apply to credit transfers. Please refer to your letter of Offer for detailed duration and costings for your enrolment.
- SITHCCC023 Use food preparation equipment
- SITHCCC027 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery
- SITHCCC028 Prepare appetisers and salads
- SITHCCC029 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups
- SITHCCC030 Prepare vegetable, fruit, eggs and farinaceous dishes
- SITHCCC031 Prepare vegetarian and vegan dishes
- SITHCCC035 Prepare poultry dishes
- SITHCCC036 Prepare meat dishes
- SITHCCC037 Prepare seafood dishes
- SITHCCC041 Produce cakes, pastries and breads
- SITHCCC042 Prepare food to meet special dietary requirements
- SITHCCC043 Work effectively as a cook
- SITHKOP009 Clean kitchen premises and equipment
- SITHKOP010 Plan and cost recipes
- SITHPAT016 Produce desserts
- SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety
- SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices
- SITXHRM007 Coach others in job skills
- SITXINV006 Receive, store and maintain stock
- SITXWHS005 Participate in safe work practices
- HLTAID011 Provide First Aid
- SITHCCC025 Prepare and present sandwiches
- SITHCCC044 Prepare specialised food items
- SITHPAT014 Produce yeast-based bakery products
- SITXCOM007 Show social and cultural sensitivity
The methods of assessment used in this course include:
Written questioning assessments and Structured Assessment – assignment style, to show the student’s knowledge, these are online and on campus. Direct Observation - practical demonstration of skills in the small-scale kitchen, commercial kitchen reflecting current industry practises on campus.Live Works – the simulated work environment will be achieved – on campus in commercial kitchens & training restaurant on campus.These assessment strategies and evidence gathering are in accordance with the relevant training package or accreditation guidelines. Detailed Information is available in the assessment matrix, learning plans and assessment tools for each of the units of competency. Assessors use this matrix to ensure assessments, are undertaken across the duration of the course, rather than clustered together at particular times.
The following learning resources, facilities and equipment are available at each campus so that you can achieve the skill and knowledge requirements of this course.
Learning resources may include access to support materials/learning resources, assessment tools, online resources, lecturer developed PowerPoints and handouts, and access to Blackboard Learning
Management System (LMS), fully equipped classrooms and commercial kitchens.
Facilities and equipment include a fully equipped commercial kitchen with individual benches, 3 small scale kitchens, a pastry kitchen, a large-scale kitchen within the on-campus restaurant and bistro open daily, food processors and blenders, commercial refrigeration facilities and cool rooms, pots and pans, food preparation equipment, cleaning equipment, stock control procedures and documentation, food safety programs, policies and procedures and safety data sheets.
Semester and holiday dates are included in your Letter of Offer. View upcoming semester start and end dates.
Semester 1, 2026
- Tuition fee: $16,458
- Resources fee: $2,896
- Materials fee: $650
Tuition fees are reviewed annually. If tuition fees are increased, you will be required to pay the new fees as they are introduced. You will be provided with an indicative schedule of fees in your Letter of Offer.
Resource fees are for consumables you use in your course e.g. paint, internet etc. You pay this fee to your college at enrolment. If your course goes longer than one semester, the resource fee may not need to be paid in one amount but may be spaced out over the duration of your course. Your college will advise you of the payment amount each semester.
Material fees are for items that remain your property after the course has been completed e.g. personal protective equipment, tools, text books etc.
There is no work placement requirement for this course, however this course is delivered face to face in a fully equipped commercial kitchen that supports the on-campus restaurant that is open to the paying public.
2 semesters
To achieve this qualification, students must demonstrate competency in 25 units of competency. These 25 units are comprised of 20 core units and 5 elective units as listed below. Elective units listed below have been selected in consultation with industry.
Students who enrol into this qualification will be eligible for credit transfer of the units that they have already achieved. Fees paid by international students are set on a commercial basis and are paid as a whole of course fee - no refund will apply to credit transfers. Please refer to your letter of Offer for detailed duration and costings for your enrolment.
- SITHCCC023 Use food preparation equipment
- SITHCCC027 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery
- SITHCCC028 Prepare appetisers and salads
- SITHCCC029 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups
- SITHCCC030 Prepare vegetable, fruit, eggs and farinaceous dishes
- SITHCCC031 Prepare vegetarian and vegan dishes
- SITHCCC035 Prepare poultry dishes
- SITHCCC036 Prepare meat dishes
- SITHCCC037 Prepare seafood dishes
- SITHCCC041 Produce cakes, pastries and breads
- SITHCCC042 Prepare food to meet special dietary requirements
- SITHCCC043 Work effectively as a cook
- SITHKOP009 Clean kitchen premises and equipment
- SITHKOP010 Plan and cost recipes
- SITHPAT016 Produce desserts
- SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety
- SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices
- SITXHRM007 Coach others in job skills
- SITXINV006 Receive, store and maintain stock
- SITXWHS005 Participate in safe work practices
- HLTAID011 Provide First Aid
- SITHCCC025 Prepare and present sandwiches
- SITHCCC044 Prepare specialised food items
- SITHPAT014 Produce yeast-based bakery products
- SITXCOM007 Show social and cultural sensitivity
The methods of assessment used in this course include:
Written questioning assessments and Structured Assessment – assignment style, to show the student’s knowledge, these are online and on campus. Direct Observation - practical demonstration of skills in the small-scale kitchen, commercial kitchen reflecting current industry practises on campus.Live Works – the simulated work environment will be achieved – on campus in commercial kitchens & training restaurant on campus.These assessment strategies and evidence gathering are in accordance with the relevant training package or accreditation guidelines. Detailed Information is available in the assessment matrix, learning plans and assessment tools for each of the units of competency. Assessors use this matrix to ensure assessments, are undertaken across the duration of the course, rather than clustered together at particular times.
The following learning resources, facilities and equipment are available at each campus so that you can achieve the skill and knowledge requirements of this course.
Learning resources may include access to support materials/learning resources, assessment tools, online resources, lecturer developed PowerPoints and handouts, and access to Blackboard Learning Management System (LMS), fully equipped classrooms and commercial kitchens.
Facilities and equipment include a fully equipped commercial kitchen with individual benches, 3 small scale kitchens, a pastry kitchen, a large-scale kitchen within the on-campus restaurant and bistro open daily, food processors and blenders, commercial refrigeration facilities and cool rooms, pots and pans, food preparation equipment, cleaning equipment, stock control procedures and documentation, food safety programs, policies and procedures and safety data sheets.
Semester and holiday dates are included in your Letter of Offer. View upcoming semester start and end dates.
Semester 1, 2026
- Tuition fee: $16,458
- Resources fee: $1,626
- Materials fee: $500
Tuition fees are reviewed annually. If tuition fees are increased, you will be required to pay the new fees as they are introduced. You will be provided with an indicative schedule of fees in your Letter of Offer.
Resource fees are for consumables you use in your course e.g. paint, internet etc. You pay this fee to your college at enrolment. If your course goes longer than one semester, the resource fee may not need to be paid in one amount but may be spaced out over the duration of your course. Your college will advise you of the payment amount each semester.
Material fees are for items that remain your property after the course has been completed e.g. personal protective equipment, tools, text books etc.
There is no work placement requirement for this course, however this course is delivered face to face in a fully equipped commercial kitchen that supports the on-campus restaurant that is open to the paying public.
2 semesters
To achieve this qualification, students must demonstrate competency in 25 units of competency. These 25 units are comprised of 20 core units and 5 elective units as listed below. Elective units listed below have been selected in consultation with industry.
Students who enrol into this qualification will be eligible for credit transfer of the units that they have already achieved. Fees paid by international students are set on a commercial basis and are paid as a whole of course fee - no refund will apply to credit transfers. Please refer to your letter of Offer for detailed duration and costings for your enrolment.
- SITHCCC023 Use food preparation equipment
- SITHCCC027 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery
- SITHCCC028 Prepare appetisers and salads
- SITHCCC029 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups
- SITHCCC030 Prepare vegetable, fruit, eggs and farinaceous dishes
- SITHCCC031 Prepare vegetarian and vegan dishes
- SITHCCC035 Prepare poultry dishes
- SITHCCC036 Prepare meat dishes
- SITHCCC037 Prepare seafood dishes
- SITHCCC041 Produce cakes, pastries and breads
- SITHCCC042 Prepare food to meet special dietary requirements
- SITHCCC043 Work effectively as a cook
- SITHKOP009 Clean kitchen premises and equipment
- SITHKOP010 Plan and cost recipes
- SITHPAT016 Produce desserts
- SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety
- SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices
- SITXHRM007 Coach others in job skills
- SITXINV006 Receive, store and maintain stock
- SITXWHS005 Participate in safe work practices
- BSBSUS211 Participate in sustainable work practices
- HLTAID011 Provide First Aid
- SITHCCC025 Prepare and present sandwiches
- SITHCCC026 Package prepared foodstuffs
- SITHCCC038 Produce and serve food for buffets
The methods of assessment used in this course include written and structured questions and assessments, and the practical demonstration of skills in the commercial kitchen reflecting current industry practices. Students will perform the role of commercial cooks, using a wide range of well-developed cookery skills, and sound knowledge of kitchen operations to prepare food and menu items as required. The assessments are conducted on-campus in a simulated kitchen and all materials, produce, food supplies and ‘special’ equipment will be provided as per the assessment requirements for each unit.
These assessment strategies and evidence gathering are in accordance with the relevant training package or accreditation guidelines. Detailed Information is available in the assessment matrix, learning plans and assessment tools for each of the units of competency. Assessors use this matrix to ensure assessments, are undertaken across the duration of the course, rather than clustered together at particular times.
The following learning resources, facilities and equipment are available at each campus so that you can achieve the skill and knowledge requirements of this course.
Learning resources may include access to fully equipped classrooms, Didasko learning resources, training and assessment plans, cookery programs, PowerPoints, digital resources.
Facilities and equipment may include access to computer classrooms with printers and internet, commercial kitchen with individual benches, fixtures and large equipment, crockery and glassware, food processors and blenders, commercial refrigeration facilities and cool rooms, pots and pans, food preparation equipment, commercial ovens and trays, pastry equipment, planetary mixers, personal protective clothing, CPR mannequins and first aid equipment.
Semester and holiday dates are included in your Letter of Offer. View upcoming semester start and end dates.
Semester 1, 2026
- Tuition fee: $16,458
- Resources fee: $3,720
- Materials fee: $1,410
Tuition fees are reviewed annually. If tuition fees are increased, you will be required to pay the new fees as they are introduced. You will be provided with an indicative schedule of fees in your Letter of Offer.
Resource fees are for consumables you use in your course e.g. paint, internet etc. You pay this fee to your college at enrolment. If your course goes longer than one semester, the resource fee may not need to be paid in one amount but may be spaced out over the duration of your course. Your college will advise you of the payment amount each semester.
Material fees are for items that remain your property after the course has been completed e.g. personal protective equipment, tools, text books etc.
There is no work placement requirement for this course, however students will undertake services in the live works commercial kitchens that prepares breakfasts, lunches or dinners in the on-campus restaurant that is open to the paying public.
2 semesters
To achieve this qualification, students must demonstrate competency in 25 units of competency. These 25 units are comprised of 20 core units and 5 elective units as listed below. Elective units listed below have been selected in consultation with industry.
Students who enrol into this qualification will be eligible for credit transfer of the units that they have already achieved. Fees paid by international students are set on a commercial basis and are paid as a whole of course fee - no refund will apply to credit transfers. Please refer to your letter of Offer for detailed duration and costings for your enrolment.
- SITHCCC023 Use food preparation equipment
- SITHCCC027 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery
- SITHCCC028 Prepare appetisers and salads
- SITHCCC029 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups
- SITHCCC030 Prepare vegetable, fruit, eggs and farinaceous dishes
- SITHCCC031 Prepare vegetarian and vegan dishes
- SITHCCC035 Prepare poultry dishes
- SITHCCC036 Prepare meat dishes
- SITHCCC037 Prepare seafood dishes
- SITHCCC041 Produce cakes, pastries and breads
- SITHCCC042 Prepare food to meet special dietary requirements
- SITHCCC043 Work effectively as a cook
- SITHKOP009 Clean kitchen premises and equipment
- SITHKOP010 Plan and cost recipes
- SITHPAT016 Produce desserts
- SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety
- SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices
- SITXHRM007 Coach others in job skills
- SITXINV006 Receive, store and maintain stock
- SITXWHS005 Participate in safe work practices
- HLTAID011 Provide First Aid
- SITHCCC026 Package prepared foodstuffs
- SITHCCC039 Produce pates and terrines
- SITHCCC040 Prepare and serve cheese
- SITXCOM007 Show social and cultural sensitivity
The methods of assessment used in this course include written assessments, practical assignments, practical demonstrations, and the use of verbal questions where appropriate. The practical assessments will occur during authentic service in SRTAFE’s live works commercial kitchens (at the Epicure Restaurant).
These assessment strategies and evidence gathering are in accordance with the relevant training package or accreditation guidelines. Detailed Information is available in the assessment matrix, learning plans and assessment tools for each of the units of competency. Assessors use this matrix to ensure assessments, are undertaken across the duration of the course, rather than clustered together at particular times.
The following learning resources, facilities and equipment are available at each campus so that you can achieve the skill and knowledge requirements of this course.
Learning resources include access to Didasko learning resources digital or hard copy for each unit, Blackboard resources on LMS, Training and Assessment Plans for each unit, recipe workbooks for each practical cookery unit, tool kit, pen & permanent marker, PowerPoints and handouts, and DVDs and reference books from the Learning Resource Centre.
Facilities and equipment include fully equipped classrooms, training restaurant, commercial kitchens, and all fixtures and equipment used to facilitate preparation of dishes as specified in the training package, CPR mannequins and first aid equipment.
Semester and holiday dates are included in your Letter of Offer. View upcoming semester start and end dates.
Semester 1, 2026
- Tuition fee: $16,458
- Resources fee: $2,780
- Materials fee: $1,050
Tuition fees are reviewed annually. If tuition fees are increased, you will be required to pay the new fees as they are introduced. You will be provided with an indicative schedule of fees in your Letter of Offer.
Resource fees are for consumables you use in your course e.g. paint, internet etc. You pay this fee to your college at enrolment. If your course goes longer than one semester, the resource fee may not need to be paid in one amount but may be spaced out over the duration of your course. Your college will advise you of the payment amount each semester.
Material fees are for items that remain your property after the course has been completed e.g. personal protective equipment, tools, text books etc.
There is no work placement requirement for this course, however students will undertake services in the live works commercial kitchens that prepares breakfasts, lunches or dinners in the on-campus restaurant that is open to the paying public.
2 semesters
To achieve this qualification, students must demonstrate competency in 25 units of competency. These 25 units are comprised of 20 core units and 5 elective units as listed below. Elective units listed below have been selected in consultation with industry.
Students who enrol into this qualification will be eligible for credit transfer of the units that they have already achieved. Fees paid by international students are set on a commercial basis and are paid as a whole of course fee - no refund will apply to credit transfers. Please refer to your letter of Offer for detailed duration and costings for your enrolment.
- SITHCCC023 Use food preparation equipment
- SITHCCC027 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery
- SITHCCC028 Prepare appetisers and salads
- SITHCCC029 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups
- SITHCCC030 Prepare vegetable, fruit, eggs and farinaceous dishes
- SITHCCC031 Prepare vegetarian and vegan dishes
- SITHCCC035 Prepare poultry dishes
- SITHCCC036 Prepare meat dishes
- SITHCCC037 Prepare seafood dishes
- SITHCCC041 Produce cakes, pastries and breads
- SITHCCC042 Prepare food to meet special dietary requirements
- SITHCCC043 Work effectively as a cook
- SITHKOP009 Clean kitchen premises and equipment
- SITHKOP010 Plan and cost recipes
- SITHPAT016 Produce desserts
- SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety
- SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices
- SITXHRM007 Coach others in job skills
- SITXINV006 Receive, store and maintain stock
- SITXWHS005 Participate in safe work practices
- BSBSUS211 Participate in sustainable work practices
- HLTAID011 Provide First Aid
- SITHCCC039 Produce pates and terrines
- SITHCCC044 Prepare specialised food items
- SITHPAT014 Produce yeast-based bakery products
The methods of assessment used in this course include direct observation, knowledge-based questions and projects. The assessments are conducted on-campus in a simulated kitchen and all materials, produce, food supplies and ‘special’ equipment will be provided as per the assessment requirements for each unit.
These assessment strategies and evidence gathering are in accordance with the relevant training package or accreditation guidelines. Detailed Information is available in the assessment matrix, learning plans and assessment tools for each of the units of competency. Assessors use this matrix to ensure assessments, are undertaken across the duration of the course, rather than clustered together at particular times.
The following learning resources, facilities and equipment are available at each campus so that you can achieve the skill and knowledge requirements of this course.
Learning resources include access to Futura online learning and Didasko learning materials, handouts, and PowerPoints.
Facilities and equipment include classrooms with printers and internet, a commercial kitchen, operational training restaurant, recipes and ingredients, large cooking equipment, crockery and glassware, food processors and blenders, commercial refrigeration facilities and cool rooms, pots and pans, food preparation equipment, commercial ovens and trays, pastry equipment, planetary mixers and personal protective clothing.
Semester and holiday dates are included in your Letter of Offer. View upcoming semester start and end dates.
Semester 1, 2026
- Tuition fee: $16,458
- Resources fee: $3,000
- Materials fee: $500
Tuition fees are reviewed annually. If tuition fees are increased, you will be required to pay the new fees as they are introduced. You will be provided with an indicative schedule of fees in your Letter of Offer.
Resource fees are for consumables you use in your course e.g. paint, internet etc. You pay this fee to your college at enrolment. If your course goes longer than one semester, the resource fee may not need to be paid in one amount but may be spaced out over the duration of your course. Your college will advise you of the payment amount each semester.
Material fees are for items that remain your property after the course has been completed e.g. personal protective equipment, tools, text books etc.
There is no work placement requirement for this course, however students will be spending the majority of their time practicing their skills in a fully functional commercial kitchen that supports the on-campus restaurant that is open to the paying public.
2 semesters
To achieve this qualification, students must demonstrate competency in 25 units of competency. These 25 units are comprised of 20 core units and 5 elective units as listed below. Elective units listed below have been selected in consultation with industry.
Students who enrol into this qualification will be eligible for credit transfer of the units that they have already achieved. Fees paid by international students are set on a commercial basis and are paid as a whole of course fee - no refund will apply to credit transfers. Please refer to your letter of Offer for detailed duration and costings for your enrolment.
- SITHCCC023 Use food preparation equipment
- SITHCCC027 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery
- SITHCCC028 Prepare appetisers and salads
- SITHCCC029 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups
- SITHCCC030 Prepare vegetable, fruit, eggs and farinaceous dishes
- SITHCCC031 Prepare vegetarian and vegan dishes
- SITHCCC035 Prepare poultry dishes
- SITHCCC036 Prepare meat dishes
- SITHCCC037 Prepare seafood dishes
- SITHCCC041 Produce cakes, pastries and breads
- SITHCCC042 Prepare food to meet special dietary requirements
- SITHCCC043 Work effectively as a cook
- SITHKOP009 Clean kitchen premises and equipment
- SITHKOP010 Plan and cost recipes
- SITHPAT016 Produce desserts
- SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety
- SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices
- SITXHRM007 Coach others in job skills
- SITXINV006 Receive, store and maintain stock
- SITXWHS005 Participate in safe work practices
- BSBSUS211 Participate in sustainable work practices
- SITHCCC026 Package prepared foodstuffs
- SITHCCC032 Produce cook-chill and cook-freeze foods
- SITHCCC038 Produce and serve food for buffets
- SITHPAT014 Produce yeast-based bakery products
The methods of assessment used in this course are conducted on-campus through an Observation Checklist (OCL) whereby the student ‘must’ be observed in a simulated kitchen and provide the assessment outcomes to the Lecturer whereby they will also be observing the student and providing a Satisfied or Not-Yet-Satisfied outcome through Blackboard. This can also be undertaken in the on-campus restaurant called The Pavilion which provides the students an opportunity to cook and share their work in a simulated working environment to the public and receive guest feedback. The Observation Checklist is the best method for demonstrating a student has the skills, knowledge, and practical know-how of producing a plate of food based on the assessment requirements in front of the assessing Lecturer. The assessment will be conducted in a simulated kitchen on campus and all kitchen material, produce, food supplies and any other ‘special’ equipment will be provided as per the assessment requirements for each unit.
These assessment strategies and evidence gathering are in accordance with the relevant training package or accreditation guidelines. Detailed Information is available in the assessment matrix, learning plans and assessment tools for each of the units of competency. Assessors use this matrix to ensure assessments, are undertaken across the duration of the course, rather than clustered together at particular times.
The following learning resources, facilities and equipment are available at each campus so that you can achieve the skill and knowledge requirements of this course.
Learning resources may include access to learning and assessment plan for the semester, workbook which includes all recipes, journals and checklists, videos and other streaming compilations, PowerPoints from lecturers’ presentations, handouts prepared by lecturers, resources uploaded on Blackboard (e.g., documents, videos, YouTube) and all food materials and cooking resources provided during practical sessions.
Facilities and equipment may include access to computer classrooms with printers and internet and a fully equipped commercial kitchen with resources such as commercial grade work benches, fixtures and large equipment, double sinks, food processors and blenders, commercial refrigeration facilities and cool rooms, commercial dishwashers, pots and pans, food preparation equipment, commercial ovens and trays, commercial cleaning equipment and chemicals, equipment instructions, menus, recipes and food safety plans.
Semester and holiday dates are included in your Letter of Offer. View upcoming semester start and end dates.
Semester 1, 2026
- Tuition fee: $16,458
- Resources fee: $2,280
- Materials fee: $1,050
Tuition fees are reviewed annually. If tuition fees are increased, you will be required to pay the new fees as they are introduced. You will be provided with an indicative schedule of fees in your Letter of Offer.
Resource fees are for consumables you use in your course e.g. paint, internet etc. You pay this fee to your college at enrolment. If your course goes longer than one semester, the resource fee may not need to be paid in one amount but may be spaced out over the duration of your course. Your college will advise you of the payment amount each semester.
Material fees are for items that remain your property after the course has been completed e.g. personal protective equipment, tools, text books etc.
There is no work placement requirement for this course, however students will undertake services in the live works commercial kitchen located on campus.
2 semesters
To achieve this qualification, students must demonstrate competency in 25 units of competency. These 25 units are comprised of 20 core units and 5 elective units as listed below. Elective units listed below have been selected in consultation with industry.
Students who enrol into this qualification will be eligible for credit transfer of the units that they have already achieved. Fees paid by international students are set on a commercial basis and are paid as a whole of course fee - no refund will apply to credit transfers. Please refer to your letter of Offer for detailed duration and costings for your enrolment.
- SITHCCC023 Use food preparation equipment
- SITHCCC027 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery
- SITHCCC028 Prepare appetisers and salads
- SITHCCC029 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups
- SITHCCC030 Prepare vegetable, fruit, eggs and farinaceous dishes
- SITHCCC031 Prepare vegetarian and vegan dishes
- SITHCCC035 Prepare poultry dishes
- SITHCCC036 Prepare meat dishes
- SITHCCC037 Prepare seafood dishes
- SITHCCC041 Produce cakes, pastries and breads
- SITHCCC042 Prepare food to meet special dietary requirements
- SITHCCC043 Work effectively as a cook
- SITHKOP009 Clean kitchen premises and equipment
- SITHKOP010 Plan and cost recipes
- SITHPAT016 Produce desserts
- SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety
- SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices
- SITXHRM007 Coach others in job skills
- SITXINV006 Receive, store and maintain stock
- SITXWHS005 Participate in safe work practices
- SITHCCC025 Prepare and present sandwiches
- SITHCCC026 Package prepared foodstuffs
- SITHCCC040 Prepare and serve cheese
- SITHCCC044 Prepare specialised food items
- SITHPAT014 Produce yeast-based bakery products
The methods of assessment used in this course include direct observation, knowledge-based questions and projects. The assessments are conducted on-campus in a simulated kitchen and all materials, produce, food supplies and ‘special’ equipment will be provided as per the assessment requirements for each unit.
These assessment strategies and evidence gathering are in accordance with the relevant training package or accreditation guidelines. Detailed Information is available in the assessment matrix, learning plans and assessment tools for each of the units of competency. Assessors use this matrix to ensure assessments, are undertaken across the duration of the course, rather than clustered together at particular times.
The following learning resources, facilities and equipment are available at each campus so that you can achieve the skill and knowledge requirements of this course.
Learning resources include access to learning resources on learning platform, handouts and PowerPoints.
Facilities and equipment include classrooms with printers and internet, commercial kitchen, operational commercial kitchen, recipes and ingredients, large cooking equipment, crockery and glassware, food processors and blenders, commercial refrigeration facilities and cool rooms, pots and pans, food preparation equipment, commercial ovens and trays, pastry equipment, planetary mixers and personal protective clothing.
Semester and holiday dates are included in your Letter of Offer. View upcoming semester start and end dates.
Semester 1, 2026
- Tuition fee: $16,458
- Resources fee: $2,896
- Materials fee: $650
Tuition fees are reviewed annually. If tuition fees are increased, you will be required to pay the new fees as they are introduced. You will be provided with an indicative schedule of fees in your Letter of Offer.
Resource fees are for consumables you use in your course e.g. paint, internet etc. You pay this fee to your college at enrolment. If your course goes longer than one semester, the resource fee may not need to be paid in one amount but may be spaced out over the duration of your course. Your college will advise you of the payment amount each semester.
Material fees are for items that remain your property after the course has been completed e.g. personal protective equipment, tools, text books etc.
There is no work placement requirement for this course, however this course is delivered face to face in a fully equipped commercial kitchen that supports the on-campus restaurant that is open to the paying public.
2 semesters
To achieve this qualification, students must demonstrate competency in 25 units of competency. These 25 units are comprised of 20 core units and 5 elective units as listed below. Elective units listed below have been selected in consultation with industry.
Students who enrol into this qualification will be eligible for credit transfer of the units that they have already achieved. Fees paid by international students are set on a commercial basis and are paid as a whole of course fee - no refund will apply to credit transfers. Please refer to your letter of Offer for detailed duration and costings for your enrolment.
- SITHCCC023 Use food preparation equipment
- SITHCCC027 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery
- SITHCCC028 Prepare appetisers and salads
- SITHCCC029 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups
- SITHCCC030 Prepare vegetable, fruit, eggs and farinaceous dishes
- SITHCCC031 Prepare vegetarian and vegan dishes
- SITHCCC035 Prepare poultry dishes
- SITHCCC036 Prepare meat dishes
- SITHCCC037 Prepare seafood dishes
- SITHCCC041 Produce cakes, pastries and breads
- SITHCCC042 Prepare food to meet special dietary requirements
- SITHCCC043 Work effectively as a cook
- SITHKOP009 Clean kitchen premises and equipment
- SITHKOP010 Plan and cost recipes
- SITHPAT016 Produce desserts
- SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety
- SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices
- SITXHRM007 Coach others in job skills
- SITXINV006 Receive, store and maintain stock
- SITXWHS005 Participate in safe work practices
- HLTAID011 Provide First Aid
- SITHCCC025 Prepare and present sandwiches
- SITHCCC044 Prepare specialised food items
- SITHPAT014 Produce yeast-based bakery products
- SITXCOM007 Show social and cultural sensitivity
The methods of assessment used in this course include:
Written questioning assessments and Structured Assessment – assignment style, to show the student’s knowledge, these are online and on campus. Direct Observation - practical demonstration of skills in the small-scale kitchen, commercial kitchen reflecting current industry practises on campus.Live Works – the simulated work environment will be achieved – on campus in commercial kitchens & training restaurant on campus.These assessment strategies and evidence gathering are in accordance with the relevant training package or accreditation guidelines. Detailed Information is available in the assessment matrix, learning plans and assessment tools for each of the units of competency. Assessors use this matrix to ensure assessments, are undertaken across the duration of the course, rather than clustered together at particular times.
The following learning resources, facilities and equipment are available at each campus so that you can achieve the skill and knowledge requirements of this course.
Learning resources may include access to support materials/learning resources, assessment tools, online resources, lecturer developed PowerPoints and handouts, and access to Blackboard Learning
Management System (LMS), fully equipped classrooms and commercial kitchens.
Facilities and equipment include a fully equipped commercial kitchen with individual benches, 3 small scale kitchens, a pastry kitchen, a large-scale kitchen within the on-campus restaurant and bistro open daily, food processors and blenders, commercial refrigeration facilities and cool rooms, pots and pans, food preparation equipment, cleaning equipment, stock control procedures and documentation, food safety programs, policies and procedures and safety data sheets.
Semester and holiday dates are included in your Letter of Offer. View upcoming semester start and end dates.
Semester 2, 2026
- Tuition fee: $16,458
- Resources fee: $2,896
- Materials fee: $650
Tuition fees are reviewed annually. If tuition fees are increased, you will be required to pay the new fees as they are introduced. You will be provided with an indicative schedule of fees in your Letter of Offer.
Resource fees are for consumables you use in your course e.g. paint, internet etc. You pay this fee to your college at enrolment. If your course goes longer than one semester, the resource fee may not need to be paid in one amount but may be spaced out over the duration of your course. Your college will advise you of the payment amount each semester.
Material fees are for items that remain your property after the course has been completed e.g. personal protective equipment, tools, text books etc.
There is no work placement requirement for this course, however this course is delivered face to face in a fully equipped commercial kitchen that supports the on-campus restaurant that is open to the paying public.
2 semesters
To achieve this qualification, students must demonstrate competency in 25 units of competency. These 25 units are comprised of 20 core units and 5 elective units as listed below. Elective units listed below have been selected in consultation with industry.
Students who enrol into this qualification will be eligible for credit transfer of the units that they have already achieved. Fees paid by international students are set on a commercial basis and are paid as a whole of course fee - no refund will apply to credit transfers. Please refer to your letter of Offer for detailed duration and costings for your enrolment.
- SITHCCC023 Use food preparation equipment
- SITHCCC027 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery
- SITHCCC028 Prepare appetisers and salads
- SITHCCC029 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups
- SITHCCC030 Prepare vegetable, fruit, eggs and farinaceous dishes
- SITHCCC031 Prepare vegetarian and vegan dishes
- SITHCCC035 Prepare poultry dishes
- SITHCCC036 Prepare meat dishes
- SITHCCC037 Prepare seafood dishes
- SITHCCC041 Produce cakes, pastries and breads
- SITHCCC042 Prepare food to meet special dietary requirements
- SITHCCC043 Work effectively as a cook
- SITHKOP009 Clean kitchen premises and equipment
- SITHKOP010 Plan and cost recipes
- SITHPAT016 Produce desserts
- SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety
- SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices
- SITXHRM007 Coach others in job skills
- SITXINV006 Receive, store and maintain stock
- SITXWHS005 Participate in safe work practices
- HLTAID011 Provide First Aid
- SITHCCC025 Prepare and present sandwiches
- SITHCCC044 Prepare specialised food items
- SITHPAT014 Produce yeast-based bakery products
- SITXCOM007 Show social and cultural sensitivity
The methods of assessment used in this course include:
Written questioning assessments and Structured Assessment – assignment style, to show the student’s knowledge, these are online and on campus. Direct Observation - practical demonstration of skills in the small-scale kitchen, commercial kitchen reflecting current industry practises on campus.Live Works – the simulated work environment will be achieved – on campus in commercial kitchens & training restaurant on campus.These assessment strategies and evidence gathering are in accordance with the relevant training package or accreditation guidelines. Detailed Information is available in the assessment matrix, learning plans and assessment tools for each of the units of competency. Assessors use this matrix to ensure assessments, are undertaken across the duration of the course, rather than clustered together at particular times.
The following learning resources, facilities and equipment are available at each campus so that you can achieve the skill and knowledge requirements of this course.
Learning resources may include access to support materials/learning resources, assessment tools, online resources, lecturer developed PowerPoints and handouts, and access to Blackboard Learning Management System (LMS), fully equipped classrooms and commercial kitchens.
Facilities and equipment include a fully equipped commercial kitchen with individual benches, 3 small scale kitchens, a pastry kitchen, a large-scale kitchen within the on-campus restaurant and bistro open daily, food processors and blenders, commercial refrigeration facilities and cool rooms, pots and pans, food preparation equipment, cleaning equipment, stock control procedures and documentation, food safety programs, policies and procedures and safety data sheets.
Semester and holiday dates are included in your Letter of Offer. View upcoming semester start and end dates.
Semester 2, 2026
- Tuition fee: $16,458
- Resources fee: $2,780
- Materials fee: $1,050
Tuition fees are reviewed annually. If tuition fees are increased, you will be required to pay the new fees as they are introduced. You will be provided with an indicative schedule of fees in your Letter of Offer.
Resource fees are for consumables you use in your course e.g. paint, internet etc. You pay this fee to your college at enrolment. If your course goes longer than one semester, the resource fee may not need to be paid in one amount but may be spaced out over the duration of your course. Your college will advise you of the payment amount each semester.
Material fees are for items that remain your property after the course has been completed e.g. personal protective equipment, tools, text books etc.
There is no work placement requirement for this course, however students will undertake services in the live works commercial kitchens that prepares breakfasts, lunches or dinners in the on-campus restaurant that is open to the paying public.
2 semesters
To achieve this qualification, students must demonstrate competency in 25 units of competency. These 25 units are comprised of 20 core units and 5 elective units as listed below. Elective units listed below have been selected in consultation with industry.
Students who enrol into this qualification will be eligible for credit transfer of the units that they have already achieved. Fees paid by international students are set on a commercial basis and are paid as a whole of course fee - no refund will apply to credit transfers. Please refer to your letter of Offer for detailed duration and costings for your enrolment.
- SITHCCC023 Use food preparation equipment
- SITHCCC027 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery
- SITHCCC028 Prepare appetisers and salads
- SITHCCC029 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups
- SITHCCC030 Prepare vegetable, fruit, eggs and farinaceous dishes
- SITHCCC031 Prepare vegetarian and vegan dishes
- SITHCCC035 Prepare poultry dishes
- SITHCCC036 Prepare meat dishes
- SITHCCC037 Prepare seafood dishes
- SITHCCC041 Produce cakes, pastries and breads
- SITHCCC042 Prepare food to meet special dietary requirements
- SITHCCC043 Work effectively as a cook
- SITHKOP009 Clean kitchen premises and equipment
- SITHKOP010 Plan and cost recipes
- SITHPAT016 Produce desserts
- SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety
- SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices
- SITXHRM007 Coach others in job skills
- SITXINV006 Receive, store and maintain stock
- SITXWHS005 Participate in safe work practices
- BSBSUS211 Participate in sustainable work practices
- HLTAID011 Provide First Aid
- SITHCCC039 Produce pates and terrines
- SITHCCC044 Prepare specialised food items
- SITHPAT014 Produce yeast-based bakery products
The methods of assessment used in this course include direct observation, knowledge-based questions and projects. The assessments are conducted on-campus in a simulated kitchen and all materials, produce, food supplies and ‘special’ equipment will be provided as per the assessment requirements for each unit.
These assessment strategies and evidence gathering are in accordance with the relevant training package or accreditation guidelines. Detailed Information is available in the assessment matrix, learning plans and assessment tools for each of the units of competency. Assessors use this matrix to ensure assessments, are undertaken across the duration of the course, rather than clustered together at particular times.
The following learning resources, facilities and equipment are available at each campus so that you can achieve the skill and knowledge requirements of this course.
Learning resources include access to Futura online learning and Didasko learning materials, handouts, and PowerPoints.
Facilities and equipment include classrooms with printers and internet, a commercial kitchen, operational training restaurant, recipes and ingredients, large cooking equipment, crockery and glassware, food processors and blenders, commercial refrigeration facilities and cool rooms, pots and pans, food preparation equipment, commercial ovens and trays, pastry equipment, planetary mixers and personal protective clothing.
Semester and holiday dates are included in your Letter of Offer. View upcoming semester start and end dates.
Semester 2, 2026
- Tuition fee: $16,458
- Resources fee: $3,000
- Materials fee: $500
Tuition fees are reviewed annually. If tuition fees are increased, you will be required to pay the new fees as they are introduced. You will be provided with an indicative schedule of fees in your Letter of Offer.
Resource fees are for consumables you use in your course e.g. paint, internet etc. You pay this fee to your college at enrolment. If your course goes longer than one semester, the resource fee may not need to be paid in one amount but may be spaced out over the duration of your course. Your college will advise you of the payment amount each semester.
Material fees are for items that remain your property after the course has been completed e.g. personal protective equipment, tools, text books etc.
There is no work placement requirement for this course, however students will be spending the majority of their time practicing their skills in a fully functional commercial kitchen that supports the on-campus restaurant that is open to the paying public.
2 semesters
To achieve this qualification, students must demonstrate competency in 25 units of competency. These 25 units are comprised of 20 core units and 5 elective units as listed below. Elective units listed below have been selected in consultation with industry.
Students who enrol into this qualification will be eligible for credit transfer of the units that they have already achieved. Fees paid by international students are set on a commercial basis and are paid as a whole of course fee - no refund will apply to credit transfers. Please refer to your letter of Offer for detailed duration and costings for your enrolment.
- SITHCCC023 Use food preparation equipment
- SITHCCC027 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery
- SITHCCC028 Prepare appetisers and salads
- SITHCCC029 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups
- SITHCCC030 Prepare vegetable, fruit, eggs and farinaceous dishes
- SITHCCC031 Prepare vegetarian and vegan dishes
- SITHCCC035 Prepare poultry dishes
- SITHCCC036 Prepare meat dishes
- SITHCCC037 Prepare seafood dishes
- SITHCCC041 Produce cakes, pastries and breads
- SITHCCC042 Prepare food to meet special dietary requirements
- SITHCCC043 Work effectively as a cook
- SITHKOP009 Clean kitchen premises and equipment
- SITHKOP010 Plan and cost recipes
- SITHPAT016 Produce desserts
- SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety
- SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices
- SITXHRM007 Coach others in job skills
- SITXINV006 Receive, store and maintain stock
- SITXWHS005 Participate in safe work practices
- BSBSUS211 Participate in sustainable work practices
- SITHCCC026 Package prepared foodstuffs
- SITHCCC032 Produce cook-chill and cook-freeze foods
- SITHCCC038 Produce and serve food for buffets
- SITHPAT014 Produce yeast-based bakery products
The methods of assessment used in this course are conducted on-campus through an Observation Checklist (OCL) whereby the student ‘must’ be observed in a simulated kitchen and provide the assessment outcomes to the Lecturer whereby they will also be observing the student and providing a Satisfied or Not-Yet-Satisfied outcome through Blackboard. This can also be undertaken in the on-campus restaurant called The Pavilion which provides the students an opportunity to cook and share their work in a simulated working environment to the public and receive guest feedback. The Observation Checklist is the best method for demonstrating a student has the skills, knowledge, and practical know-how of producing a plate of food based on the assessment requirements in front of the assessing Lecturer. The assessment will be conducted in a simulated kitchen on campus and all kitchen material, produce, food supplies and any other ‘special’ equipment will be provided as per the assessment requirements for each unit.
These assessment strategies and evidence gathering are in accordance with the relevant training package or accreditation guidelines. Detailed Information is available in the assessment matrix, learning plans and assessment tools for each of the units of competency. Assessors use this matrix to ensure assessments, are undertaken across the duration of the course, rather than clustered together at particular times.
The following learning resources, facilities and equipment are available at each campus so that you can achieve the skill and knowledge requirements of this course.
Learning resources may include access to learning and assessment plan for the semester, workbook which includes all recipes, journals and checklists, videos and other streaming compilations, PowerPoints from lecturers’ presentations, handouts prepared by lecturers, resources uploaded on Blackboard (e.g., documents, videos, YouTube) and all food materials and cooking resources provided during practical sessions.
Facilities and equipment may include access to computer classrooms with printers and internet and a fully equipped commercial kitchen with resources such as commercial grade work benches, fixtures and large equipment, double sinks, food processors and blenders, commercial refrigeration facilities and cool rooms, commercial dishwashers, pots and pans, food preparation equipment, commercial ovens and trays, commercial cleaning equipment and chemicals, equipment instructions, menus, recipes and food safety plans.
Semester and holiday dates are included in your Letter of Offer. View upcoming semester start and end dates.
Semester 2, 2026
- Tuition fee: $16,458
- Resources fee: $2,280
- Materials fee: $1,050
Tuition fees are reviewed annually. If tuition fees are increased, you will be required to pay the new fees as they are introduced. You will be provided with an indicative schedule of fees in your Letter of Offer.
Resource fees are for consumables you use in your course e.g. paint, internet etc. You pay this fee to your college at enrolment. If your course goes longer than one semester, the resource fee may not need to be paid in one amount but may be spaced out over the duration of your course. Your college will advise you of the payment amount each semester.
Material fees are for items that remain your property after the course has been completed e.g. personal protective equipment, tools, text books etc.
There is no work placement requirement for this course, however students will undertake services in the live works commercial kitchen located on campus.
2 semesters
To achieve this qualification, students must demonstrate competency in 25 units of competency. These 25 units are comprised of 20 core units and 5 elective units as listed below. Elective units listed below have been selected in consultation with industry.
Students who enrol into this qualification will be eligible for credit transfer of the units that they have already achieved. Fees paid by international students are set on a commercial basis and are paid as a whole of course fee - no refund will apply to credit transfers. Please refer to your letter of Offer for detailed duration and costings for your enrolment.
- SITHCCC023 Use food preparation equipment
- SITHCCC027 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery
- SITHCCC028 Prepare appetisers and salads
- SITHCCC029 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups
- SITHCCC030 Prepare vegetable, fruit, eggs and farinaceous dishes
- SITHCCC031 Prepare vegetarian and vegan dishes
- SITHCCC035 Prepare poultry dishes
- SITHCCC036 Prepare meat dishes
- SITHCCC037 Prepare seafood dishes
- SITHCCC041 Produce cakes, pastries and breads
- SITHCCC042 Prepare food to meet special dietary requirements
- SITHCCC043 Work effectively as a cook
- SITHKOP009 Clean kitchen premises and equipment
- SITHKOP010 Plan and cost recipes
- SITHPAT016 Produce desserts
- SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety
- SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices
- SITXHRM007 Coach others in job skills
- SITXINV006 Receive, store and maintain stock
- SITXWHS005 Participate in safe work practices
- SITHCCC025 Prepare and present sandwiches
- SITHCCC026 Package prepared foodstuffs
- SITHCCC040 Prepare and serve cheese
- SITHCCC044 Prepare specialised food items
- SITHPAT014 Produce yeast-based bakery products
The methods of assessment used in this course include direct observation, knowledge-based questions and projects. The assessments are conducted on-campus in a simulated kitchen and all materials, produce, food supplies and ‘special’ equipment will be provided as per the assessment requirements for each unit.
These assessment strategies and evidence gathering are in accordance with the relevant training package or accreditation guidelines. Detailed Information is available in the assessment matrix, learning plans and assessment tools for each of the units of competency. Assessors use this matrix to ensure assessments, are undertaken across the duration of the course, rather than clustered together at particular times.
The following learning resources, facilities and equipment are available at each campus so that you can achieve the skill and knowledge requirements of this course.
Learning resources include access to learning resources on learning platform, handouts and PowerPoints.
Facilities and equipment include classrooms with printers and internet, commercial kitchen, operational commercial kitchen, recipes and ingredients, large cooking equipment, crockery and glassware, food processors and blenders, commercial refrigeration facilities and cool rooms, pots and pans, food preparation equipment, commercial ovens and trays, pastry equipment, planetary mixers and personal protective clothing.
Semester and holiday dates are included in your Letter of Offer. View upcoming semester start and end dates.
Semester 2, 2026
- Tuition fee: $16,458
- Resources fee: $2,896
- Materials fee: $650
Tuition fees are reviewed annually. If tuition fees are increased, you will be required to pay the new fees as they are introduced. You will be provided with an indicative schedule of fees in your Letter of Offer.
Resource fees are for consumables you use in your course e.g. paint, internet etc. You pay this fee to your college at enrolment. If your course goes longer than one semester, the resource fee may not need to be paid in one amount but may be spaced out over the duration of your course. Your college will advise you of the payment amount each semester.
Material fees are for items that remain your property after the course has been completed e.g. personal protective equipment, tools, text books etc.
There is no work placement requirement for this course, however this course is delivered face to face in a fully equipped commercial kitchen that supports the on-campus restaurant that is open to the paying public.
2 semesters
To achieve this qualification, students must demonstrate competency in 25 units of competency. These 25 units are comprised of 20 core units and 5 elective units as listed below. Elective units listed below have been selected in consultation with industry.
Students who enrol into this qualification will be eligible for credit transfer of the units that they have already achieved. Fees paid by international students are set on a commercial basis and are paid as a whole of course fee - no refund will apply to credit transfers. Please refer to your letter of Offer for detailed duration and costings for your enrolment.
- SITHCCC023 Use food preparation equipment
- SITHCCC027 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery
- SITHCCC028 Prepare appetisers and salads
- SITHCCC029 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups
- SITHCCC030 Prepare vegetable, fruit, eggs and farinaceous dishes
- SITHCCC031 Prepare vegetarian and vegan dishes
- SITHCCC035 Prepare poultry dishes
- SITHCCC036 Prepare meat dishes
- SITHCCC037 Prepare seafood dishes
- SITHCCC041 Produce cakes, pastries and breads
- SITHCCC042 Prepare food to meet special dietary requirements
- SITHCCC043 Work effectively as a cook
- SITHKOP009 Clean kitchen premises and equipment
- SITHKOP010 Plan and cost recipes
- SITHPAT016 Produce desserts
- SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety
- SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices
- SITXHRM007 Coach others in job skills
- SITXINV006 Receive, store and maintain stock
- SITXWHS005 Participate in safe work practices
- HLTAID011 Provide First Aid
- SITHCCC025 Prepare and present sandwiches
- SITHCCC044 Prepare specialised food items
- SITHPAT014 Produce yeast-based bakery products
- SITXCOM007 Show social and cultural sensitivity
The methods of assessment used in this course include:
Written questioning assessments and Structured Assessment – assignment style, to show the student’s knowledge, these are online and on campus. Direct Observation - practical demonstration of skills in the small-scale kitchen, commercial kitchen reflecting current industry practises on campus.Live Works – the simulated work environment will be achieved – on campus in commercial kitchens & training restaurant on campus.These assessment strategies and evidence gathering are in accordance with the relevant training package or accreditation guidelines. Detailed Information is available in the assessment matrix, learning plans and assessment tools for each of the units of competency. Assessors use this matrix to ensure assessments, are undertaken across the duration of the course, rather than clustered together at particular times.
The following learning resources, facilities and equipment are available at each campus so that you can achieve the skill and knowledge requirements of this course.
Learning resources may include access to support materials/learning resources, assessment tools, online resources, lecturer developed PowerPoints and handouts, and access to Blackboard Learning
Management System (LMS), fully equipped classrooms and commercial kitchens.
Facilities and equipment include a fully equipped commercial kitchen with individual benches, 3 small scale kitchens, a pastry kitchen, a large-scale kitchen within the on-campus restaurant and bistro open daily, food processors and blenders, commercial refrigeration facilities and cool rooms, pots and pans, food preparation equipment, cleaning equipment, stock control procedures and documentation, food safety programs, policies and procedures and safety data sheets.
Semester and holiday dates are included in your Letter of Offer. View upcoming semester start and end dates.
Semester 1, 2027
- Tuition fee: $16,458
- Resources fee: $2,896
- Materials fee: $650
Tuition fees are reviewed annually. If tuition fees are increased, you will be required to pay the new fees as they are introduced. You will be provided with an indicative schedule of fees in your Letter of Offer.
Resource fees are for consumables you use in your course e.g. paint, internet etc. You pay this fee to your college at enrolment. If your course goes longer than one semester, the resource fee may not need to be paid in one amount but may be spaced out over the duration of your course. Your college will advise you of the payment amount each semester.
Material fees are for items that remain your property after the course has been completed e.g. personal protective equipment, tools, text books etc.
There is no work placement requirement for this course, however this course is delivered face to face in a fully equipped commercial kitchen that supports the on-campus restaurant that is open to the paying public.
2 semesters
To achieve this qualification, students must demonstrate competency in 25 units of competency. These 25 units are comprised of 20 core units and 5 elective units as listed below. Elective units listed below have been selected in consultation with industry.
Students who enrol into this qualification will be eligible for credit transfer of the units that they have already achieved. Fees paid by international students are set on a commercial basis and are paid as a whole of course fee - no refund will apply to credit transfers. Please refer to your letter of Offer for detailed duration and costings for your enrolment.
- SITHCCC023 Use food preparation equipment
- SITHCCC027 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery
- SITHCCC028 Prepare appetisers and salads
- SITHCCC029 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups
- SITHCCC030 Prepare vegetable, fruit, eggs and farinaceous dishes
- SITHCCC031 Prepare vegetarian and vegan dishes
- SITHCCC035 Prepare poultry dishes
- SITHCCC036 Prepare meat dishes
- SITHCCC037 Prepare seafood dishes
- SITHCCC041 Produce cakes, pastries and breads
- SITHCCC042 Prepare food to meet special dietary requirements
- SITHCCC043 Work effectively as a cook
- SITHKOP009 Clean kitchen premises and equipment
- SITHKOP010 Plan and cost recipes
- SITHPAT016 Produce desserts
- SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety
- SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices
- SITXHRM007 Coach others in job skills
- SITXINV006 Receive, store and maintain stock
- SITXWHS005 Participate in safe work practices
- HLTAID011 Provide First Aid
- SITHCCC025 Prepare and present sandwiches
- SITHCCC044 Prepare specialised food items
- SITHPAT014 Produce yeast-based bakery products
- SITXCOM007 Show social and cultural sensitivity
The methods of assessment used in this course include:
Written questioning assessments and Structured Assessment – assignment style, to show the student’s knowledge, these are online and on campus. Direct Observation - practical demonstration of skills in the small-scale kitchen, commercial kitchen reflecting current industry practises on campus.Live Works – the simulated work environment will be achieved – on campus in commercial kitchens & training restaurant on campus.These assessment strategies and evidence gathering are in accordance with the relevant training package or accreditation guidelines. Detailed Information is available in the assessment matrix, learning plans and assessment tools for each of the units of competency. Assessors use this matrix to ensure assessments, are undertaken across the duration of the course, rather than clustered together at particular times.
The following learning resources, facilities and equipment are available at each campus so that you can achieve the skill and knowledge requirements of this course.
Learning resources may include access to support materials/learning resources, assessment tools, online resources, lecturer developed PowerPoints and handouts, and access to Blackboard Learning Management System (LMS), fully equipped classrooms and commercial kitchens.
Facilities and equipment include a fully equipped commercial kitchen with individual benches, 3 small scale kitchens, a pastry kitchen, a large-scale kitchen within the on-campus restaurant and bistro open daily, food processors and blenders, commercial refrigeration facilities and cool rooms, pots and pans, food preparation equipment, cleaning equipment, stock control procedures and documentation, food safety programs, policies and procedures and safety data sheets.
Semester and holiday dates are included in your Letter of Offer. View upcoming semester start and end dates.
Semester 1, 2027
- Tuition fee: $16,458
- Resources fee: $1,626
- Materials fee: $500
Tuition fees are reviewed annually. If tuition fees are increased, you will be required to pay the new fees as they are introduced. You will be provided with an indicative schedule of fees in your Letter of Offer.
Resource fees are for consumables you use in your course e.g. paint, internet etc. You pay this fee to your college at enrolment. If your course goes longer than one semester, the resource fee may not need to be paid in one amount but may be spaced out over the duration of your course. Your college will advise you of the payment amount each semester.
Material fees are for items that remain your property after the course has been completed e.g. personal protective equipment, tools, text books etc.
There is no work placement requirement for this course, however this course is delivered face to face in a fully equipped commercial kitchen that supports the on-campus restaurant that is open to the paying public.
2 semesters
To achieve this qualification, students must demonstrate competency in 25 units of competency. These 25 units are comprised of 20 core units and 5 elective units as listed below. Elective units listed below have been selected in consultation with industry.
Students who enrol into this qualification will be eligible for credit transfer of the units that they have already achieved. Fees paid by international students are set on a commercial basis and are paid as a whole of course fee - no refund will apply to credit transfers. Please refer to your letter of Offer for detailed duration and costings for your enrolment.
- SITHCCC023 Use food preparation equipment
- SITHCCC027 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery
- SITHCCC028 Prepare appetisers and salads
- SITHCCC029 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups
- SITHCCC030 Prepare vegetable, fruit, eggs and farinaceous dishes
- SITHCCC031 Prepare vegetarian and vegan dishes
- SITHCCC035 Prepare poultry dishes
- SITHCCC036 Prepare meat dishes
- SITHCCC037 Prepare seafood dishes
- SITHCCC041 Produce cakes, pastries and breads
- SITHCCC042 Prepare food to meet special dietary requirements
- SITHCCC043 Work effectively as a cook
- SITHKOP009 Clean kitchen premises and equipment
- SITHKOP010 Plan and cost recipes
- SITHPAT016 Produce desserts
- SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety
- SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices
- SITXHRM007 Coach others in job skills
- SITXINV006 Receive, store and maintain stock
- SITXWHS005 Participate in safe work practices
- BSBSUS211 Participate in sustainable work practices
- HLTAID011 Provide First Aid
- SITHCCC025 Prepare and present sandwiches
- SITHCCC026 Package prepared foodstuffs
- SITHCCC038 Produce and serve food for buffets
The methods of assessment used in this course include written and structured questions and assessments, and the practical demonstration of skills in the commercial kitchen reflecting current industry practices. Students will perform the role of commercial cooks, using a wide range of well-developed cookery skills, and sound knowledge of kitchen operations to prepare food and menu items as required. The assessments are conducted on-campus in a simulated kitchen and all materials, produce, food supplies and ‘special’ equipment will be provided as per the assessment requirements for each unit.
These assessment strategies and evidence gathering are in accordance with the relevant training package or accreditation guidelines. Detailed Information is available in the assessment matrix, learning plans and assessment tools for each of the units of competency. Assessors use this matrix to ensure assessments, are undertaken across the duration of the course, rather than clustered together at particular times.
The following learning resources, facilities and equipment are available at each campus so that you can achieve the skill and knowledge requirements of this course.
Learning resources may include access to fully equipped classrooms, Didasko learning resources, training and assessment plans, cookery programs, PowerPoints, digital resources.
Facilities and equipment may include access to computer classrooms with printers and internet, commercial kitchen with individual benches, fixtures and large equipment, crockery and glassware, food processors and blenders, commercial refrigeration facilities and cool rooms, pots and pans, food preparation equipment, commercial ovens and trays, pastry equipment, planetary mixers, personal protective clothing, CPR mannequins and first aid equipment.
Semester and holiday dates are included in your Letter of Offer. View upcoming semester start and end dates.
Semester 1, 2027
- Tuition fee: $16,458
- Resources fee: $3,720
- Materials fee: $1,410
Tuition fees are reviewed annually. If tuition fees are increased, you will be required to pay the new fees as they are introduced. You will be provided with an indicative schedule of fees in your Letter of Offer.
Resource fees are for consumables you use in your course e.g. paint, internet etc. You pay this fee to your college at enrolment. If your course goes longer than one semester, the resource fee may not need to be paid in one amount but may be spaced out over the duration of your course. Your college will advise you of the payment amount each semester.
Material fees are for items that remain your property after the course has been completed e.g. personal protective equipment, tools, text books etc.
There is no work placement requirement for this course, however students will undertake services in the live works commercial kitchens that prepares breakfasts, lunches or dinners in the on-campus restaurant that is open to the paying public.
2 semesters
To achieve this qualification, students must demonstrate competency in 25 units of competency. These 25 units are comprised of 20 core units and 5 elective units as listed below. Elective units listed below have been selected in consultation with industry.
Students who enrol into this qualification will be eligible for credit transfer of the units that they have already achieved. Fees paid by international students are set on a commercial basis and are paid as a whole of course fee - no refund will apply to credit transfers. Please refer to your letter of Offer for detailed duration and costings for your enrolment.
- SITHCCC023 Use food preparation equipment
- SITHCCC027 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery
- SITHCCC028 Prepare appetisers and salads
- SITHCCC029 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups
- SITHCCC030 Prepare vegetable, fruit, eggs and farinaceous dishes
- SITHCCC031 Prepare vegetarian and vegan dishes
- SITHCCC035 Prepare poultry dishes
- SITHCCC036 Prepare meat dishes
- SITHCCC037 Prepare seafood dishes
- SITHCCC041 Produce cakes, pastries and breads
- SITHCCC042 Prepare food to meet special dietary requirements
- SITHCCC043 Work effectively as a cook
- SITHKOP009 Clean kitchen premises and equipment
- SITHKOP010 Plan and cost recipes
- SITHPAT016 Produce desserts
- SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety
- SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices
- SITXHRM007 Coach others in job skills
- SITXINV006 Receive, store and maintain stock
- SITXWHS005 Participate in safe work practices
- HLTAID011 Provide First Aid
- SITHCCC026 Package prepared foodstuffs
- SITHCCC039 Produce pates and terrines
- SITHCCC040 Prepare and serve cheese
- SITXCOM007 Show social and cultural sensitivity
The methods of assessment used in this course include written assessments, practical assignments, practical demonstrations, and the use of verbal questions where appropriate. The practical assessments will occur during authentic service in SRTAFE’s live works commercial kitchens (at the Epicure Restaurant).
These assessment strategies and evidence gathering are in accordance with the relevant training package or accreditation guidelines. Detailed Information is available in the assessment matrix, learning plans and assessment tools for each of the units of competency. Assessors use this matrix to ensure assessments, are undertaken across the duration of the course, rather than clustered together at particular times.
The following learning resources, facilities and equipment are available at each campus so that you can achieve the skill and knowledge requirements of this course.
Learning resources include access to Didasko learning resources digital or hard copy for each unit, Blackboard resources on LMS, Training and Assessment Plans for each unit, recipe workbooks for each practical cookery unit, tool kit, pen & permanent marker, PowerPoints and handouts, and DVDs and reference books from the Learning Resource Centre.
Facilities and equipment include fully equipped classrooms, training restaurant, commercial kitchens, and all fixtures and equipment used to facilitate preparation of dishes as specified in the training package, CPR mannequins and first aid equipment.
Semester and holiday dates are included in your Letter of Offer. View upcoming semester start and end dates.
Semester 1, 2027
- Tuition fee: $16,458
- Resources fee: $2,780
- Materials fee: $1,050
Tuition fees are reviewed annually. If tuition fees are increased, you will be required to pay the new fees as they are introduced. You will be provided with an indicative schedule of fees in your Letter of Offer.
Resource fees are for consumables you use in your course e.g. paint, internet etc. You pay this fee to your college at enrolment. If your course goes longer than one semester, the resource fee may not need to be paid in one amount but may be spaced out over the duration of your course. Your college will advise you of the payment amount each semester.
Material fees are for items that remain your property after the course has been completed e.g. personal protective equipment, tools, text books etc.
There is no work placement requirement for this course, however students will undertake services in the live works commercial kitchens that prepares breakfasts, lunches or dinners in the on-campus restaurant that is open to the paying public.
2 semesters
To achieve this qualification, students must demonstrate competency in 25 units of competency. These 25 units are comprised of 20 core units and 5 elective units as listed below. Elective units listed below have been selected in consultation with industry.
Students who enrol into this qualification will be eligible for credit transfer of the units that they have already achieved. Fees paid by international students are set on a commercial basis and are paid as a whole of course fee - no refund will apply to credit transfers. Please refer to your letter of Offer for detailed duration and costings for your enrolment.
- SITHCCC023 Use food preparation equipment
- SITHCCC027 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery
- SITHCCC028 Prepare appetisers and salads
- SITHCCC029 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups
- SITHCCC030 Prepare vegetable, fruit, eggs and farinaceous dishes
- SITHCCC031 Prepare vegetarian and vegan dishes
- SITHCCC035 Prepare poultry dishes
- SITHCCC036 Prepare meat dishes
- SITHCCC037 Prepare seafood dishes
- SITHCCC041 Produce cakes, pastries and breads
- SITHCCC042 Prepare food to meet special dietary requirements
- SITHCCC043 Work effectively as a cook
- SITHKOP009 Clean kitchen premises and equipment
- SITHKOP010 Plan and cost recipes
- SITHPAT016 Produce desserts
- SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety
- SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices
- SITXHRM007 Coach others in job skills
- SITXINV006 Receive, store and maintain stock
- SITXWHS005 Participate in safe work practices
- BSBSUS211 Participate in sustainable work practices
- HLTAID011 Provide First Aid
- SITHCCC039 Produce pates and terrines
- SITHCCC044 Prepare specialised food items
- SITHPAT014 Produce yeast-based bakery products
The methods of assessment used in this course include direct observation, knowledge-based questions and projects. The assessments are conducted on-campus in a simulated kitchen and all materials, produce, food supplies and ‘special’ equipment will be provided as per the assessment requirements for each unit.
These assessment strategies and evidence gathering are in accordance with the relevant training package or accreditation guidelines. Detailed Information is available in the assessment matrix, learning plans and assessment tools for each of the units of competency. Assessors use this matrix to ensure assessments, are undertaken across the duration of the course, rather than clustered together at particular times.
The following learning resources, facilities and equipment are available at each campus so that you can achieve the skill and knowledge requirements of this course.
Learning resources include access to Futura online learning and Didasko learning materials, handouts, and PowerPoints.
Facilities and equipment include classrooms with printers and internet, a commercial kitchen, operational training restaurant, recipes and ingredients, large cooking equipment, crockery and glassware, food processors and blenders, commercial refrigeration facilities and cool rooms, pots and pans, food preparation equipment, commercial ovens and trays, pastry equipment, planetary mixers and personal protective clothing.
Semester and holiday dates are included in your Letter of Offer. View upcoming semester start and end dates.
Semester 1, 2027
- Tuition fee: $16,458
- Resources fee: $3,000
- Materials fee: $500
Tuition fees are reviewed annually. If tuition fees are increased, you will be required to pay the new fees as they are introduced. You will be provided with an indicative schedule of fees in your Letter of Offer.
Resource fees are for consumables you use in your course e.g. paint, internet etc. You pay this fee to your college at enrolment. If your course goes longer than one semester, the resource fee may not need to be paid in one amount but may be spaced out over the duration of your course. Your college will advise you of the payment amount each semester.
Material fees are for items that remain your property after the course has been completed e.g. personal protective equipment, tools, text books etc.
There is no work placement requirement for this course, however students will be spending the majority of their time practicing their skills in a fully functional commercial kitchen that supports the on-campus restaurant that is open to the paying public.
2 semesters
To achieve this qualification, students must demonstrate competency in 25 units of competency. These 25 units are comprised of 20 core units and 5 elective units as listed below. Elective units listed below have been selected in consultation with industry.
Students who enrol into this qualification will be eligible for credit transfer of the units that they have already achieved. Fees paid by international students are set on a commercial basis and are paid as a whole of course fee - no refund will apply to credit transfers. Please refer to your letter of Offer for detailed duration and costings for your enrolment.
- SITHCCC023 Use food preparation equipment
- SITHCCC027 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery
- SITHCCC028 Prepare appetisers and salads
- SITHCCC029 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups
- SITHCCC030 Prepare vegetable, fruit, eggs and farinaceous dishes
- SITHCCC031 Prepare vegetarian and vegan dishes
- SITHCCC035 Prepare poultry dishes
- SITHCCC036 Prepare meat dishes
- SITHCCC037 Prepare seafood dishes
- SITHCCC041 Produce cakes, pastries and breads
- SITHCCC042 Prepare food to meet special dietary requirements
- SITHCCC043 Work effectively as a cook
- SITHKOP009 Clean kitchen premises and equipment
- SITHKOP010 Plan and cost recipes
- SITHPAT016 Produce desserts
- SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety
- SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices
- SITXHRM007 Coach others in job skills
- SITXINV006 Receive, store and maintain stock
- SITXWHS005 Participate in safe work practices
- BSBSUS211 Participate in sustainable work practices
- SITHCCC026 Package prepared foodstuffs
- SITHCCC032 Produce cook-chill and cook-freeze foods
- SITHCCC038 Produce and serve food for buffets
- SITHPAT014 Produce yeast-based bakery products
The methods of assessment used in this course are conducted on-campus through an Observation Checklist (OCL) whereby the student ‘must’ be observed in a simulated kitchen and provide the assessment outcomes to the Lecturer whereby they will also be observing the student and providing a Satisfied or Not-Yet-Satisfied outcome through Blackboard. This can also be undertaken in the on-campus restaurant called The Pavilion which provides the students an opportunity to cook and share their work in a simulated working environment to the public and receive guest feedback. The Observation Checklist is the best method for demonstrating a student has the skills, knowledge, and practical know-how of producing a plate of food based on the assessment requirements in front of the assessing Lecturer. The assessment will be conducted in a simulated kitchen on campus and all kitchen material, produce, food supplies and any other ‘special’ equipment will be provided as per the assessment requirements for each unit.
These assessment strategies and evidence gathering are in accordance with the relevant training package or accreditation guidelines. Detailed Information is available in the assessment matrix, learning plans and assessment tools for each of the units of competency. Assessors use this matrix to ensure assessments, are undertaken across the duration of the course, rather than clustered together at particular times.
The following learning resources, facilities and equipment are available at each campus so that you can achieve the skill and knowledge requirements of this course.
Learning resources may include access to learning and assessment plan for the semester, workbook which includes all recipes, journals and checklists, videos and other streaming compilations, PowerPoints from lecturers’ presentations, handouts prepared by lecturers, resources uploaded on Blackboard (e.g., documents, videos, YouTube) and all food materials and cooking resources provided during practical sessions.
Facilities and equipment may include access to computer classrooms with printers and internet and a fully equipped commercial kitchen with resources such as commercial grade work benches, fixtures and large equipment, double sinks, food processors and blenders, commercial refrigeration facilities and cool rooms, commercial dishwashers, pots and pans, food preparation equipment, commercial ovens and trays, commercial cleaning equipment and chemicals, equipment instructions, menus, recipes and food safety plans.
Semester and holiday dates are included in your Letter of Offer. View upcoming semester start and end dates.
Semester 1, 2027
- Tuition fee: $16,458
- Resources fee: $2,280
- Materials fee: $1,050
Tuition fees are reviewed annually. If tuition fees are increased, you will be required to pay the new fees as they are introduced. You will be provided with an indicative schedule of fees in your Letter of Offer.
Resource fees are for consumables you use in your course e.g. paint, internet etc. You pay this fee to your college at enrolment. If your course goes longer than one semester, the resource fee may not need to be paid in one amount but may be spaced out over the duration of your course. Your college will advise you of the payment amount each semester.
Material fees are for items that remain your property after the course has been completed e.g. personal protective equipment, tools, text books etc.
There is no work placement requirement for this course, however students will undertake services in the live works commercial kitchen located on campus.
2 semesters
To achieve this qualification, students must demonstrate competency in 25 units of competency. These 25 units are comprised of 20 core units and 5 elective units as listed below. Elective units listed below have been selected in consultation with industry.
Students who enrol into this qualification will be eligible for credit transfer of the units that they have already achieved. Fees paid by international students are set on a commercial basis and are paid as a whole of course fee - no refund will apply to credit transfers. Please refer to your letter of Offer for detailed duration and costings for your enrolment.
- SITHCCC023 Use food preparation equipment
- SITHCCC027 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery
- SITHCCC028 Prepare appetisers and salads
- SITHCCC029 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups
- SITHCCC030 Prepare vegetable, fruit, eggs and farinaceous dishes
- SITHCCC031 Prepare vegetarian and vegan dishes
- SITHCCC035 Prepare poultry dishes
- SITHCCC036 Prepare meat dishes
- SITHCCC037 Prepare seafood dishes
- SITHCCC041 Produce cakes, pastries and breads
- SITHCCC042 Prepare food to meet special dietary requirements
- SITHCCC043 Work effectively as a cook
- SITHKOP009 Clean kitchen premises and equipment
- SITHKOP010 Plan and cost recipes
- SITHPAT016 Produce desserts
- SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety
- SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices
- SITXHRM007 Coach others in job skills
- SITXINV006 Receive, store and maintain stock
- SITXWHS005 Participate in safe work practices
- SITHCCC025 Prepare and present sandwiches
- SITHCCC026 Package prepared foodstuffs
- SITHCCC040 Prepare and serve cheese
- SITHCCC044 Prepare specialised food items
- SITHPAT014 Produce yeast-based bakery products
The methods of assessment used in this course include direct observation, knowledge-based questions and projects. The assessments are conducted on-campus in a simulated kitchen and all materials, produce, food supplies and ‘special’ equipment will be provided as per the assessment requirements for each unit.
These assessment strategies and evidence gathering are in accordance with the relevant training package or accreditation guidelines. Detailed Information is available in the assessment matrix, learning plans and assessment tools for each of the units of competency. Assessors use this matrix to ensure assessments, are undertaken across the duration of the course, rather than clustered together at particular times.
The following learning resources, facilities and equipment are available at each campus so that you can achieve the skill and knowledge requirements of this course.
Learning resources include access to learning resources on learning platform, handouts and PowerPoints.
Facilities and equipment include classrooms with printers and internet, commercial kitchen, operational commercial kitchen, recipes and ingredients, large cooking equipment, crockery and glassware, food processors and blenders, commercial refrigeration facilities and cool rooms, pots and pans, food preparation equipment, commercial ovens and trays, pastry equipment, planetary mixers and personal protective clothing.
Semester and holiday dates are included in your Letter of Offer. View upcoming semester start and end dates.
Semester 1, 2027
- Tuition fee: $16,458
- Resources fee: $2,896
- Materials fee: $650
Tuition fees are reviewed annually. If tuition fees are increased, you will be required to pay the new fees as they are introduced. You will be provided with an indicative schedule of fees in your Letter of Offer.
Resource fees are for consumables you use in your course e.g. paint, internet etc. You pay this fee to your college at enrolment. If your course goes longer than one semester, the resource fee may not need to be paid in one amount but may be spaced out over the duration of your course. Your college will advise you of the payment amount each semester.
Material fees are for items that remain your property after the course has been completed e.g. personal protective equipment, tools, text books etc.
There is no work placement requirement for this course, however this course is delivered face to face in a fully equipped commercial kitchen that supports the on-campus restaurant that is open to the paying public.
2 semesters
To achieve this qualification, students must demonstrate competency in 25 units of competency. These 25 units are comprised of 20 core units and 5 elective units as listed below. Elective units listed below have been selected in consultation with industry.
Students who enrol into this qualification will be eligible for credit transfer of the units that they have already achieved. Fees paid by international students are set on a commercial basis and are paid as a whole of course fee - no refund will apply to credit transfers. Please refer to your letter of Offer for detailed duration and costings for your enrolment.
- SITHCCC023 Use food preparation equipment
- SITHCCC027 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery
- SITHCCC028 Prepare appetisers and salads
- SITHCCC029 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups
- SITHCCC030 Prepare vegetable, fruit, eggs and farinaceous dishes
- SITHCCC031 Prepare vegetarian and vegan dishes
- SITHCCC035 Prepare poultry dishes
- SITHCCC036 Prepare meat dishes
- SITHCCC037 Prepare seafood dishes
- SITHCCC041 Produce cakes, pastries and breads
- SITHCCC042 Prepare food to meet special dietary requirements
- SITHCCC043 Work effectively as a cook
- SITHKOP009 Clean kitchen premises and equipment
- SITHKOP010 Plan and cost recipes
- SITHPAT016 Produce desserts
- SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety
- SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices
- SITXHRM007 Coach others in job skills
- SITXINV006 Receive, store and maintain stock
- SITXWHS005 Participate in safe work practices
- HLTAID011 Provide First Aid
- SITHCCC025 Prepare and present sandwiches
- SITHCCC044 Prepare specialised food items
- SITHPAT014 Produce yeast-based bakery products
- SITXCOM007 Show social and cultural sensitivity
The methods of assessment used in this course include:
Written questioning assessments and Structured Assessment – assignment style, to show the student’s knowledge, these are online and on campus. Direct Observation - practical demonstration of skills in the small-scale kitchen, commercial kitchen reflecting current industry practises on campus.Live Works – the simulated work environment will be achieved – on campus in commercial kitchens & training restaurant on campus.These assessment strategies and evidence gathering are in accordance with the relevant training package or accreditation guidelines. Detailed Information is available in the assessment matrix, learning plans and assessment tools for each of the units of competency. Assessors use this matrix to ensure assessments, are undertaken across the duration of the course, rather than clustered together at particular times.
The following learning resources, facilities and equipment are available at each campus so that you can achieve the skill and knowledge requirements of this course.
Learning resources may include access to support materials/learning resources, assessment tools, online resources, lecturer developed PowerPoints and handouts, and access to Blackboard Learning
Management System (LMS), fully equipped classrooms and commercial kitchens.
Facilities and equipment include a fully equipped commercial kitchen with individual benches, 3 small scale kitchens, a pastry kitchen, a large-scale kitchen within the on-campus restaurant and bistro open daily, food processors and blenders, commercial refrigeration facilities and cool rooms, pots and pans, food preparation equipment, cleaning equipment, stock control procedures and documentation, food safety programs, policies and procedures and safety data sheets.
Semester and holiday dates are included in your Letter of Offer. View upcoming semester start and end dates.
There may be further semester intakes available for enrolment. You can view any further intakes when you submit your online application(opens in a new tab).
For information about pathways from TAFE to university, view our Pathways to university page.
How to apply
Apply to study at TAFE in six steps:
- find a course;
- check entry requirements;
- submit an application;
- accept your offer and pay;
- apply for your student visa; and
- receive your visa and come to Australia for your studies.

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TAFE International Western Australia (TIWA) is the Registered Training Organisation (RTO) and Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) provider, for the delivery of training to international students, enrolled in a TAFE course in Western Australia. This nationally recognised course is delivered by a Western Australian TAFE college on TIWA's behalf. TIWA retains responsibility for the quality of the training and assessment delivered by the TAFE colleges and for the issue of certification documentation to students.