Sergio Malvino Natadihardja, originally from Indonesia, has been living in Perth for 18 months now whilst he studies at TIWA. In this blog, he shares his experience studying at TIWA and his plans to become a chef.
What course are you studying, and at which TAFE campus?
I studied the SIT30821 Certificate III in Commercial Cookery and SIT40521 Certificate IV in Kitchen Management at Bentley campus. It was very good, because at first, I didn’t know basic cooking skills at all, and I didn’t know how a restaurant works. However after studying for one and a half years TAFE has helped me to get a job, and expand my knowledge and experience in the hospitality industry.
How have you found the facilities on your campus so far?
On campus we have our own restaurant that is a good facility and we learn from expert lecturers who are well known in the industry. They show us how a restaurant works in real life. Also another good thing about studying at TAFE is the experience because here we do a lot of practical training to help us obtain more knowledge to apply when we work in the industry.
What career path are you planning to pursue after completing your studies at TAFE?
After finishing my studies, I would like to travel around Australia and work in a fine dining restaurant to expand my skills and experience. If I have the chance one day I would like to work in a mine site as a FIFO Chef.
What are the best things about Perth as an international student?
I’ve been living here for one and a half years, and the best thing about Perth is the weather. The weather here is very good and also it’s not far from Indonesia so I can easily go back, and there is only one hour time difference with Indonesia. Another reason I like Perth is because it’s not too crowded and so it is very relaxed to go to places, for example the beach.
Would you recommend your college to family and friends?
I would recommend TAFE to my Indonesian friends that are looking for a vocational school because the teaching methods focus on hands on practical training and TAFE offers simulated work environment experiences. TAFE also has good relationships with big industry partners that can help us to work while we are studying.